Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Kearney Winterfest Feb 6-8, 2009 contributed by KEN!

Hello....We had another great racing weekend. There was a full crowd there both days. This is a race that the whole community and more comes out to support. We met people from all over Ontario that came just for the dog sled races and some just to see the JDT. Robb is a big attraction and a lot of people really want to spend time and take pictures of the 'Jamaican Musher'. Everybody loved the coffee and the Jamaican caps and bandannas...there are a lot of people coming to JA!!! In the 6-Dog Pro Robb and his team had some interesting runs. Saturday it was +9C and raining...not great conditions for racing sled dogs. Robb came in 5th the first day at 21:33:02, with a good chance to move up. Sunday the trail froze and the trail was dangerously fast. It is a very hard and technical trail to start with and this didn't make it better. Even though Robb 'crashed & burned' a couple of times he stayed with the team and had a blazing time of 18:06:99. He moved up to 4th place out of 14 teams. While he didn't get a trophy this time he did get $ get paid in the Pro class. We did get to take home a trophy though since I ran the 4-Dog Pro and finished 3rd out of 19...we had the 2nd fastest time on Sunday, 8 seconds from 1st, so the team seems to be running fast again. BTW one of Robb's wheel dogs, Vandal, got under the truck and ripped out a 2 foot section of the main electric lines for the whole truck. The guys from Kearney got the local mechanic to rewire all 40+ the rain, at +2C, at 8 PM. Wow what a town. Ken

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