Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Monday Morning updates-contributed by Susie

MONDAY JANUARY 12, 2009 10:04AM

According to the latest update, it took Newton 14 1/2 hours to do what should have been a 9 hour run. That doesn't make any sense at all unless something went wrong. Danny pointed out to me on the phone that he came in within one minute of two other mushers. Often in these races, when people are struggling they band together at the back of the pack. I see that all the time with the Quest. The two mushers Newton was travelling with are Martin Jahr and Mark Sleightholme. Martin is from Switzerland but has lived in Haines Junction, Yukon for a couple of years now. He just had his 40th birthday and we were invited but didn't make the drive out there (2 hours away from here). Mark is from England and is leasing a team from Sebastian Schnuelle. His team is very slow. We passed them on a training run last month and talked with him when he finally got to Quiet Lake on the South Canol Road. That was back when we took 2 hour breaks in the middle of a 90 mile run. Now we run 90 miles straight through. Which brings me back to, what could have taken Newton so long to do a 60 mile run? My mind is on a hampster wheel on this one. I do not agree with calling the race headquarters except in real emergencies but I did try to call just to ask if they had any news. The line was busy. Hopefully John Firth who is up there with Hans and Newton will call one of us. I'm going to try his wife Dawn next! Take care all, Susie

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