Wednesday, April 9, 2008

He's Baacckkkk!

OMG-Newton is finally home, everyone was happy to see him! The team is reunited and you know how we do in Jamaica-all smiles all day.

1 comment:

susie rogan said...

We miss you Newton! And we have running water now, YAAAY! Lots going on in the Yukon. Don't forget: Do NOT cut your hair!! We want to see some mini-dreads next year Mon.

We SERIOUSLY wish we could have been at the party with you, Devon and Robb and all the other JDT people at Chukka Cove for your party.

PS, it was -10 C here two nights ago and we got 2 inches of snow in a mini-blizzard over about 45 minutes. Interesting weather for April.

Love you guys, Susie