Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Robb finishes 10th at the 14th Annual Kearney Dogsled Races

Hello….Wow what a race! We had a great time. The whole town turned out to either help or support the race. There was a lot of spectators…not sure of the number but in the thousands. Most people were very interested or had heard of the JDT. The Town of Kearney treated us like we were ‘Rock Stars’!

Robb had a fantastic run and improved is time by over a minute and a half. Caught the team in front of him and took 10th out of 22 Pro’s and total of 28 teams. This was by far the most complicated trail and not for a rookie driver. Robb did great and really learned even more….he is becoming a real professional. Robb is well liked and respected on and off the trail, even in this short time. This is very important….this sport cannot have boneheads since that is how dogs get hurt.

In my opinion this was the biggest and best race this year. Haliburton was really good but I am very impressed with how things went at Kearney. While the trail needs some changes the amount of support and enthusiasm is amazing. I would love to go back next year. Hope to find some of the trail pictures from Kearney but not sure of all the photographers. We received a wonderful letter from the Mayor of Kearney which I’ll scan and send out to you. There is also a nice little poster that will look good in the museum in JA. All I can say is that the JDT was a big hit in Kearney and Kearney was a big hit with the JDT! Thanks to all involved. Ken

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